Brett Senna
Digital Marketing Director

Brett Senna was born on October 4th 1988 as a dedicated artist. Pursuing black and white photography in high school led Brett to practice arts as a profession. With an entrepreneur spirit Brett questioned how photography could be monetized. I found that digital publishing and print with graphic design was my next level to improve my visual communication skills.

With several years behind the computer and camera, it was time to present an array of professional practices. Brett Senna assembled Digital 01 Media as a one stop digital media solution for small and large business. With an Associates degree in Visual Communications from an award winning design shop that provided real work experience Brett searched for his next challenge in art! After his Associates Degree, Brett was achieved a Bachelors degree in Web Design with Graphic Design a 2nd option. As a senior in college ReadyTech hired Brett Senna as part time UX/Web Designer and marketing developer. Moonstone Interactive contracted Brett Senna in 2014 to be a marketing B2B or B2C front end web developer in charge of customizing various CMS platforms with responsive design and semantics. Now today Brett is focused on leading marketing campaigns for restaurants, bars and clubs. Brett’s dynamic portfolio will continue to evolve with his ambitious plan to work on leading edge technology.

B.A. Web/Multimedia and Graphic Design

A.A. Visual Communications

California San Francisco Bay Area

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